Composers Datebook®

"Blind Tom"


Music Played in Today's Program

Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins (1849-1908) Battle of Manassas John Davis, p. Newport Classics 85660

On This Day


  • 1761 - Czech composer and violinist Anton (Antonín) Wranitzky (Vranický, Wraniczky, Wranizky), in Nova Rise, Moravia; He studied with Haydn and Mozart in Vienna and was a friend of Beethoven;

  • 1766 - Austrian composer and pianist Anton Eberl; Some of his works were mistakenly (or perhaps deliberately) published as Mozart's;

  • 1899 - Mexican composer and conductor Carlos Chávez, in Calzada de Tacuba, near Mexico City;


  • 1962 - English composer and conductor Sir Eugene Goosens, age 69, in Hillingdon;

  • 2002 - American composer and conductor Ralph Shapey, age 81, in Chicago;

  • 2005 - American composer David Diamond, age 89;


  • 1784 - Mozart: Piano & Winds Quintet (K. 452), Sonata for Two Pianos (K. 448), and the Piano Concerto No. 17 (K. 453), at the home of Mozart's pupil, Barbara Ployer, outside Vienna; The Piano Concerto may have been premiered earlier that year on April 29, at a concert given by Mozart at Vienna's Kärtnertor Theater in the presence of Emperor Joseph II;

  • 1855 - Verdi: opera "Les Vêspres Siciliennes" (The Sicilian Vespers), in Paris at the Grand Opéra;

  • 1911 - Stravinsky: ballet "Petrushka," in Paris at the Théatre du Châtelet, with Pierre Monteux conducting;

  • 1923 - Walton: "Façade," in London, with Dame Edith Sitwell reciting her poems, the composer conducting;

  • 1923 - Stravinsky: "Les Noces," at the Gaîté Lyrique in Paris;

  • 1942 - Honegger: opera "Joan of Arc at the Stake" (first staged production), in Zürich at the Stadttheater; This work was premiered in a concert performance in Basel on May 12, 1938;

  • 1967 - David Ward-Steinman: Cello Concerto, in Toyko, by the Japan Philharmonic conducted by Milton Katims, with Edgar Lustgarten the soloist;

  • 1986 - John Adams: "Short Ride in a Fast Machine" at Great Woods, Mansfield, Mass., with Pittsburgh Symphony conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas.

  • 1999 - first staging in Germany of the original German version of Kurt Weill’s opera "Der Weg der Verheissung" (The Eternal Road), in Chemnitz, Germany, with John Mauceri conducting; The English-language premiere staging had occurred at the Manhattan Opera House in New York City on January 7, 1937, in a production staged by Max Reinhardt that ran for 153 performances;

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About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.

About Composers Datebook®