Composers Datebook®

Handel's dueling divas


On today's date* in 1727, the opera season of the Royal Academy in London ended early when rival Italian prima donnas, Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni, came to blows on stage during a performance of Bononcini's opera, "Astianatte."

Londoners were shocked, but not surprised. Trouble had been brewing between the two temperamental divas even before they arrived in England. Once there, tension between them only accelerated, egged on by partisan behavior from their rabid English fans, who (depending on their preference) greeted them with either extravagant applause and bravos, or catcalls, hissing, and, as one contemporary put it, "other great indecencies."

It was all terrific box-office, as Handel must have realized. He even worked their rivalry into one of his operas entitled "Alessandro," in which the hero finds it hard to decide between the attractions of the dueling divas. Handel prudently gave exactly the same number of solo arias to each soprano.

After all, according to Handel's first biographer, a year earlier he had threatened to toss Cuzzoni out the window when, during a rehearsal, she refused point blank to sing one of his arias. "Madam," Handel is quoted as roaring as he dragged her towards the window, "I know you are a veritable devil, but I would have you know that I am Beelzebub, the KING of all the devils!"

Not a very gentlemanly thing to do, perhaps, but apparently Cuzzoni DID sing the aria after all.

* The Julian calendar was in use in England that year; the Gregorian calendar date for this same day would be June 17.

Music Played in Today's Program

George Frederic Handel (1685 - 1759) aria, fr Alessandro Lisa Saffer, soprano; Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; Nicholas McGegan, cond. Harmonia Mundi 90.7036

On This Day


  • 1840 - English composer Sir John Stainer, in London;

  • 1869 - German composer and conductor Siegfried Wagner, in Triebschen (near Lucerne), Switzerland; He was the third of three children born out-of-wedlock to Richard Wagner and Cosima Liszt-von Bulow; Cosima's marriage to Hans von Bulow was annulled in 1870, and she married Wagner in 1870;

  • 1903 - Soviet-Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian, in Tiflis (Julian date: May 24);

  • 1915 - American composer Vincent Perischetti, in Philadelphia;

  • 1922 - Scottish composer Iain Hamilton, in Glasgow;

  • 1939 - Dutch composer Louis Andriessen, in Utrecht;


  • 1881 - Belgian composer and violinist Henri Vieuxtemps, age 61, in Mustapha, Algiers;

  • 1915 - Russian composer Sergei Taneyev, in Dyud'kovo, near Zvenigorod (Gregorian date: June 19);


  • 1921 - Hindemith: one-act opera "Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen" (Murder, Hope of Women) and Burmese puppet-play "Nusch-Nuschi," in Stuttgart at the Württembergisches Landstheater;

  • 1921 - Milhaud: ballet "L'Homme et son désir" (Man and His Desire), in Paris;

  • 1924 - Schoenberg: one-act melodrama "Erwartung" (Expectation), in Prague at the New German Theater;

  • 1925 - Prokofiev: Symphony No. 2, in Paris, with Serge Koussevitzky conducting;

  • 1928 - R. Strauss: opera "Die aegyptische Helena" (The Egyptian Helen), in Dresden at the Staatsoper, conducted by Fritz Busch, and with vocal soloists Elisabeth Rethberg (Helena) and Curt Taucher (Menelas);

  • 1931 - Henry Cowell: "Synchrony," in Paris, at the first of two concerts of modern American music with the Orchestre Straram conducted by Nicholas Slonimsky and funded anonymously by Charles Ives; On the same program, Slonimsky also conducted the Orchestre Straram in the European premieres of works by Adolph Weiss ("American Life"), Ives ("Three Places in England"), Carl Ruggles ("Men and Mountains"), and the Cuban composer Amadeo Roldan ("La Rehambatamba"); See June 11, 1931 for the program of the second concert of chamber works;

  • 1943 - Shostakovich: Piano Sonata No. 2, in Moscow, by the composer;

  • 1947 - Leroy Anderson: "Irish Suite" by the Boston Pops at Symphony Hall, Arthur Fiedler conducting (commissioned by the Eire Society of Boston for its annual "Irish Night" at the Pops);

  • 1998 - Esa-Pekka Salonen: "Gambit" at the Holland Festival, by the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic conducted by the composer;


  • 1727 - The opera season of the Royal Academy in London ends early, when rival prima donnas Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni come to blows on stage during a performance of Bononcini's opera "Astianatte" (Gregorian date: June 17);

  • 1922 - The American Academy in Rome awards American composer Randall Thompson its third two-year composition fellowship; The first fellowship was awarded to Leo Sowerby on October 4, 1921, and the second to Howard Hanson on November 9, 1921; The fellowship awards continue to this day;

  • 1962 - The Beatles audition with music producer George Martin at their first recording session at London's famous Abbey Road Studios.

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About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.

About Composers Datebook®