Composers Datebook®

Palestrina by Palestrina (and Pfiztner)


Music Played in Today's Program

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 — 1594) Pope Marcellus Mass Voices of Ascension; Dennis Keane, cond. Delos 3210

Hans Pfitzner (1869 — 1949) Palestrina Berlin State Orchestra; Otmar Suitner, cond. Berlin Classics 1001

On This Day


  • 1525 - earliest possible birth date for the Italian composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, who was probably born between February 3, 1525 and February 2, 1526, most likely at Palestrina (near Rome);

  • 1809 - German composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, in Hamburg;

  • 1842 - American poet, flutist and composer Sidney Lanier, in Macon, Ga.;

  • 1904 - Italian composer Luigi Dallapiccola, in Pisino, Istria;

  • 1910 - Mexican composer Blas Galindo Dimas, in San Gabriel, Jalisco;

  • 1911 - French composer and organist Jehan Alain, in Paris;


  • 1814 - Bohemian composer Johann Antonin Kozeluch, age 75, in Prague;


  • 1823 - Rossini: opera "Semiramide," in Venice at the Teatro la Fenice;

  • 1844 - Berlioz: "Roman Carnival" Overture, in Paris at the Salle Herz, with the composer conducting;

  • 1867 - Brahms: String Sextet No. 2, Op. 36, in Vienna, by the Hellmesberger Sextet; This work had received some informal performances in Zürich the preceding year;

  • 1868 - Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 1, in Moscow (Gregorian date: Feb. 15);

  • 1884 - Tchaikovsky: opera “Mazeppa” in Moscow (Gregorian date: Feb. 15);

  • 1894 - Glazunov: Symphony No. 4, in St. Petersburg (Julian date: Jan. 22);

  • 1945 - Stravinsky: "Scènes de ballet," in New York City by the New York Philharmonic, conducted by the composer; This work was commissioned by Broadway impresario Billy Rose for a 1944 revue titled "The Seven Lively Arts";

  • 1956 - Elie Siegmeister: Clarinet Concerto, in Oklahoma City;

  • 1989 - Michael Torke: "Ash," in St. Paul, Minn., by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, John Adams conducting;

  • 2002 - Philip Glass: Symphony No. 6, at Carnegie Hall, by the American Composers Orchestra conducted by Dennis Russell Davies.

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About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.

About Composers Datebook®