Composers Datebook®

Haydn in Vienna


In the winter of 1807, a group of music-loving Viennese, frustrated that their chances to hear orchestral and symphonic music seemed rather sporadic, decided to sponsor a series of symphonic concerts themselves. Their organization was called, simply “The Concert of Music Lovers,” with performing forces made up (according to a Viennese newspaper) of “the best local amateurs, with a few wind instruments only—French horns, trumpets, etc…, drafted from Viennese theaters.” The audience, according to the same source, comprised “exclusively the nobility of the town, foreigners of note and selected cognoscenti.”

Twenty concerts were staged in all, most of them in a large hall of the Vienna University.

The final concert in the series occurred on today’s date in 1808. This was a performance of Haydn’s oratorio “The Creation” in honor of the composer, whose 76th birthday would fall on March 31st. The work was sung in Italian, and the conductor on that occasion was the famous Italian composer Antonio Salieri. Haydn was living in a suburb of Vienna at the time, and arrived in Prince Esterhazy’s coach. Haydn was carried into the hall on an armchair lifted high so that all could see him. The orchestra played a fanfare, and shouts of “Long live Haydn!” rang from the audience, which included Ludwig van Beethoven.

This would prove to be Haydn’s last appearance in public. His health gradually failed him and he died quietly at his home the following year.

Music Played in Today's Program

Franz Josef Haydn (1732 - 1808) The Creation English Baroque Soloists; John Eliot Gardiner, cond. Archiv 449 217

On This Day


  • 1851 - French composer Vincent d'Indy, in Paris;

  • 1892 - American composer and arranger Ferde Grofé, in New York;


  • 1757 - possible death date for the Bohemian-born composer and violinist Johann (Jan) Wenzel (Waczlaw /Václav) Anton (Antonin/Antonín) Stamitz, age 39, in Mannheim; He was buried in Mannheim on March 30;

  • 1975 - British composer Sir Arthur Bliss, age 83, in London;


  • 1745 - Handel: oratorio "Belshazzar," at the King's Theater in London (Gregorian date: April 7);

  • 1897 - Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 1, in St. Petersburg, conducted by Alexander Glazunov (Julian date: Mar. 15);

  • 1914 - Vaughan Williams: original version of Symphony No. 2 ("A London Symphony"), at Queen's Hall in London;

  • 1917 - Puccini: opera "La Rondine" (The Swallow), in Monte-Carlo at the Opéra du Casino;

  • 1925 - Edward Joseph Collins: Piano Concerto No. 1 in Eb, by the Chicago Symphony, Frederick Stock conducting and the composer as soloist;

  • 1960 - Mayuzumi: "Mandala-Symphonie," in Tokyo;

  • 1984 - Andrew Lloyd Webber: musical "Starlight Express," in London;

  • 2001 - Kevin Volans: String Quartet No. 6, in London, by the Vanbrugh Quartet;


  • 1808 - Franz Joseph Haydn makes his last public appearance at a performance of his oratorio "The Creation" in Vienna in honor of the composer's approaching 76th birthday; Beethoven and Salieri attend the performance and greet Haydn.

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About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.

About Composers Datebook®