Composers Datebook®

Paulus' 'Courtship Songs'

Composers Datebook - Aug. 29, 2024


On today’s date in 1981, at a house concert in St. Paul, Minnesota, Courtship Songs, a chamber work by the American composer Stephen Paulus received its first performance. It was commissioned to celebrate the 15th wedding anniversary of Jack and Linda Hoeschler and scored for the instruments the couple and their two children played: flute, oboe, cello and piano. The commissioning bug caught on, and anniversary commissions became a family tradition.

Eventually the Hoeschlers and some of their friends started up a Commissioning Club. Modeled along the lines of an investment club, the purpose was to commission American composers including Paulus, Paul Schoenfield, Steve Heitzeg and Augusta Read Thomas, for premieres by ensembles like New York’s Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and Washington D.C.’s 20th Century Consort, as well as the Minnesota Orchestra and St. Paul Chamber Orchestra.

In 1996, one Commissioning Club premiere reached an audience of millions when Paulus’s setting of Pilgrim Jesus, by English poet Kevin Crossley-Holland, was performed at King’s College, Cambridge as part of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, broadcast live on both the BBC’s World Service and public radio stations across America.

Not a bad return on their investment!

Music Played in Today's Program

Stephen Paulus (1949-2014): Courtship Songs; Jane Garvin, flute; Merilee Klemp, oboe; Mina Fisher, cello; Jill Dawe, piano; Innova 539

On This Day


  • 1920 - Virtuoso jazz saxophonist and be-bop innovator, Charlie Parker, in Kansas City

  • 1936 - French composer and conductor Gilbert Amy, in Paris


  • 1661 - French composer Louis Couperin, in Paris. His brother, Charles Couperin (1638-1679) was also a composer, as was his nephew, the famous François Couperin (1668-1733), nicknamed “Le Grand.”

  • 1972 - French composer and conductor, René Leibowitz, age 59, in Paris;


  • 1720 - Handel: oratorio, Esther, at Canons, county seat of the Duke of Chandos (Gregorian date: Sept. 9);

  • 1853 - Josef Strauss: The First and the Last Waltz (his first composition), at Unger’s Casino in Hernals (Austria) by the Johann Strauss Orchestra, conducted by the composer (who had taken over the family orchestra for a time due to the sickness of his older brother, Johann Strauss, Jr.)

  • 1882 - Brahms: Piano Trio No. 3 (Archduke), at a private home in Bad Ischl. Brahms played a practical joke on the audience by introducing the trio as having been composed by his friend, the composer and pianist Ignaz Brull, who was also in Bad Ischl at the time. The official premiere of the Trio occurred in Frankfurt on December 29 that year, with a violinist named Heermann and a cellist name Müller, with Brahms at the pianist.

  • 1952 - John Cage 4:33, for any instrument, in Woodstock, New York

  • 1981 - Stephen Paulus: Courtship Songs for flute, oboe, cello and piano, in St. Paul, Minnesota

  • 1995 - Kaija Saariaho: Graal Théàtre for violin and orchestra, in London by the BBC Symphony, conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen with Gidon Kremer the soloist

  • 2000 - Wolfgang Rihm: Deus Passus (after St. Luke), at the International Bach Academy in Stuttgart, by the Gächinger Kantorei and Stuttgart Bach Collegium, conducted by Helmut Rilling. This work was one of four passion settings commissioned by the International Bach Academy to honor the 250th anniversary of Bach’s death in the year 2000 (see also: Sept 1, 5 & 8).

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About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.

About Composers Datebook®