Composers Datebook®

Brahms and the clarinet

Composers Datebook - Sept. 19, 2024


During his later years, German composer Johannes Brahms was a frequent visitor to the town of Meiningen, where the Grand Duke had a fine orchestra that gave stellar performances of Brahms’ music.

Early in 1891, Brahms heard one member of that orchestra, the clarinetist Richard Mülhfeld, perform chamber works by Mozart and Weber. Brahms was so impressed that they became fast friends. Listening to Mülhfeld play, Brahms became so enthusiastic about the clarinet’s possibilities that he began writing chamber works for his new friend. Brahms was always particularly fond of the female alto voice whose timbre is similar to that of the clarinet, so Brahms promptly nicknamed Mülhfeld “Fraeulein Clarinet” and the “new prima donna.”

For Mülhfeld, Brahms wrote a clarinet trio, which was followed by a clarinet quintet, and finally, a pair of clarinet sonatas, both composed in the summer of 1894.

These two sonatas were first played by Mülhfeld with Brahms at a private performance in the home of the sister of the Duke of Meiningen on today’s date that year. In November, the pair also gave private performances in Frankfurt for Clara Schumann and at Castle Altenstein for the Duke of Meiningen. The first public performances occurred in Vienna in January of 1895.

Music Played in Today's Program

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897): Clarinet Sonata No. 2; Michael Collins, clarinet; Mikhail Pletnev, piano; Virgin 91076

On This Day


  • 1829 - Music publisher Gustav Schirmer, in Königsee, Thuringia. He came to America in 1840 with his parents, and in 1861 founded in New York City the music publishing house that bears his name, G. Schirmer, Inc.

  • 1911 - Swedish composer Allan Pettersson, in Västra Ryd


  • 1949 - Greek composer Nikos Skalkottas, 45, in Athens

  • 1972 - French composer and pianist Robert Casadesus, 73, in Paris


  • 1894 - Brahms: two Clarinet Sonatas, Op. 120, at a private performance in the home of the sister of the Duke of Meiningen at Berchtesgaden, by clarinetist Richard Mühlfeld (of the Grand Ducal Orchestra of Meiningen) with the composer at the piano. Brahms and Mühlfeld also gave private performances of both sonatas on November 10-13, 1894, in Frankfurt (for Clara Schumann and others). On November 14, 1894, at Castle Altenstein (for the Duke of Meiningen). And on Jan. 7, 1895, in Vienna (for members of the Tonkünstler Society). The first public performances of the two sonatas took place in Vienna on January 8 (Sonata No. 2) and 11 (Sonata No. 2), 1895, with the same performers, as part of the Rosé Quartet’s chamber music series.

  • 1908 - Mahler: Symphony No. 7 (Song of the Night), in Prague, with the composer conducting

  • 1927 - Schoenberg: String Quartet No. 3, in Vienna, by the Kolisch Quartet

  • 1937 - Hanson: Symphony No. 3 (partial performance), on a CBS Radio Symphony concert conducted by the composer. The first complete performance occurred with the rival network's NBC Symphony, again with the composer conducting, on March 26, 1938.

  • 1970 - Morton Feldman: The Viola in My Life No. 1 for viola and orchestra, in London

  • 1998 - André Previn: opera A Streetcar Named Desire, with cast including Rene Fleming, by the San Francisco Opera, the composer conducting

  • 1998 - Michael Torke: Jasper for orchestra, by the Madison (Wisconsin) Symphony, John DeMain conducting

  • 1999 - Elmer Bernstein: Guitar Concerto, with Honolulu Symphony conducted by Samuel Wong and soloist Christopher Parkening

  • 2002 - John Adams: On the Transmigration of Souls for vocal soloists, chorus and orchestra, by the New York Philharmonic, Lorin Maazel conducting

  • 2002 - John Adams: On the Transmigration of Souls for vocal soloists, chorus and orchestra, by the New York Philharmonic, Lorin Maazel conducting


  • 1725 - J.S. Bach gives organ recitals in the Sophienkirche, Dresden, on Sept. 19 and 20

  • 1738 - Oratorio librettist Charles Jennens writes to a young relative describing a visit to Handel the previous day, dismayed by Handel’s ideas for their collaboration on the oratorio Saul: “Mr. Handel's head is more full of maggots than ever.” (Gregorian date: Sept. 30)

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Brahms and the clarinet

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897): Clarinet Sonata No. 2; Michael Collins, clarinet; Mikhail Pletnev, piano; Virgin 91076

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About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.

About Composers Datebook®