
'Climb Ev'ry Mountain': Alison Young looks back on her adventure

Alison Young talks to Steve Staruch on Friday Favorites
alison young
Alison Young in the music library at Classical MPR on her first day back after visiting Argentina.
MPR photo/Luke Taylor

In early January, Alison Young went to the Mendoza region in Argentina hoping to climb Cerro Aconcagua. While making the ascent, Alison presented symptoms of a life-threatening condition called "high-altitude pulmonary edema", or HAPE, and her plans to achieve the summit were scrapped.

Alison joins Steve Staruch in the studio for Friday Favorites to talk about her recent experience in Argentina, and to talk about her next adventure. She also enjoys a special Friday Favorites request from a listener, Florence, who appropriately suggested Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" in Alison's honor.

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