Poster toy story frame capture
Still from the 1995 animated feature, 'Toy Story'. Tom Hanks voiced the character of Woody and Tim Allen voiced the character of Buzz Lightyear.
c 1995 Disney Pixar.

Flicks in Five: Toy Story

Flicks in Five: Toy Story

For the next couple of weeks on Flicks in Five, we're going to celebrate a very famous film studio — Pixar Animation Studios.

The studio was originally founded in 1979 as The Graphics Group, part of Lucasfilm's Computer Division.

Pixar Animation Studios was officially born in 1986, when Steve Jobs purchased the Computer Graphics Division from Lucasfilm. In 2006, the studio's 20th anniversary year, Pixar was acquired by the Disney corporation at a value of 7.5 billion dollars.

The first of Pixar's full-length feature films was Toy Story, which came out in 1995. In the years since Pixar's films have been nominated for an total of 27 Oscars, 7 Golden Globes, and 11 Grammy awards.

On today's Flicks in Five we're featuring Randy Newman's Academy Award-nominated score to that first big Pixar hit, Toy Story.

Toy Story — Official Trailer

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