Poster Tattersall Distilling
Tattersall Distilling is located in northeast Minneapolis.
Emmet Kowler for MPR

Moveable Feast: Best Minnesota drinking - distilleries

Moveable Feast: Best Minnesota distilleries

The November issue of Minnesota Monthly features a "Minnesota Drinking Guide" to the state's best breweries, distilleries, wineries and cideries. We talked breweries last week and now we're on to distilleries.

While not quite as explosive as the brewing scene, distilling has been growing by leaps and bounds, too. The 2011 legislation that expanded the brewing scene also included a drastic reduction in distillery license fees and allowed them to open on-site cocktail rooms.

We're starting to see a lot of variety in what's offered here, too.

Up in Duluth's Canal Park, we've talked about Vikre's aquavit and infused gins and its Pinterest-perfect cocktail room, which offers a view of its copper distilling equipment.

In Northfield, Loon Liquor operates its taproom out of a much more utilitarian warehouse, but it's still a comfortable spot with tasty and affordable cocktails.

Tattersall in northeast Minneapolis tends to be as jam-packed as the college bars on weekends — but with classier drinks, because co-founder Dan Oskey has a background as one of the top mixologists in town. Here's to Tattersall's forthcoming cocktail room at the airport.

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