Poster Cantus-Westminster
Cantus delights audiences with stories and songs for the season in its annual holiday performance.
Courtesy of artist

Christmas With Cantus

Christmas with Cantus

Christmas With Cantus is a beloved holiday tradition for YourClassical MPR listeners featuring the eight voices of the male vocal ensemble live in concert. From the Ordway in downtown Minneapolis, Cantus delights audiences with stories and songs for the season in its annual holiday performance.


“The Mirthful Heart” — Abbie Betinis

“O Tannenbaum” — arr. Alice Parker and Robert Shaw

“Jesus Christ the Apple Tree” — Elizabeth Poston, arr. Matthew Goinz

“Beside Thy Manger” — Rachel DeVore Fogarty

“Christmas Angel” — Corlynn Hanney

“I Saw Three Ships” — arr. Reginald Bowens

“Go Tell it on the Mountain” — arr. Marvin V. Curtis

“Croatia” — Adam J. Simon

“Silent Night” — Franz Gruber, arr. Christopher H. Harris


Dakota and the Snow Phoenix — Chris Foss

“Gamelan” — R. Murray Schafer

“Must Be Santa” — Hal Moore and Bill Fredricks, arr. Jon Nicholas

“You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” — Albert Hague

“Love is Christmas” — Sara Bareilles

“Aguinaldo Carols” — Saunder Choi

“Ave Maria” — Franz Biebl

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