Poster Anticipation and Celebration 2

Anticipation and Celebration

Anticipation and Celebration

Perched atop the mountains near Barcelona, the choir of the Benedictine Abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious boy choirs. For the first time in their 800-year history, the choir made its Midwest premiere. Bringing with them a message of peace, the choristers will use music to transcend borders and speak directly to your heart.

In this special the ensemble sings a wide range of works. From Gregorian Chant to pieces by contemporary Spanish composer Bernat Vivancos, the Monserrat Boy Choir sings with style and an attention to detail that is sure to enthrall listeners.


• Gregorian Chant: Germinans Germinabit (It Shall Blossom Abundantly)

• Llibre Vermell (14th century Codex): Imperayritz de la Ciutat Joyosa (Empress of the Joyous City)

• Narcís Casanoves: Angelus ad Pastores (The Angel Said to the Shepherds) 

• Felix Mendelssohn: Veni Domine (Come, Lord) 

• Pablo Casals: Two Motets

Oració a la Verge de Montserrat (Prayer to the Virgin of Montserrat) Nigra sum (I am Black) 

• Bernat Vivancos: Welcome!

• Francesc Civil: La Gata i el Belitre (The Cat and the Dog) 

• Bernat Vivancos: L’ametller (The Almond Tree) 

• Josep Ma. Ruera: La Nostra Dansa (Our Dance) 

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