Poster John Birge
John Birge
YourClassical MPR

Composers Datebook®

Reminding you that all music was once new ® • with host John Birge

Composers Datebook for July 8, 2007


Randall Thompson in the Berkshires

Randall Thompson (1899-1984) Alleluia Concordia Choir; René Clausen, cond. Concordia 2051 Randall Thompson Symphony No. 2 Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Neeme Järvi, cond.


Baby Doe and Bugs Bunny

Douglas Moore (1893-1969) The Ballad of Baby Doe Jan Grissom, sop; Central City Opera Orchestra; John Moriarty, cond. Newport Classics 85593 Richard Wagner (1813-1883) arr. Franklyn What's Opera Doc? Warner Brothers Symphony; George Daugherty, cond. Warner Brothers 26494


Noteworthy Boulanger and Zwilich

Lili Boulanger (1893-1918) Hymne au Soleil New London Chamber Choir; James Wood, cond. Hyperion 66726 Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (b. 1939) Symphony No. 3 Louisville Orchestra; James Sedares, cond. Koch International 7278


Meyerbeer at the Opera

Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864) Robert le Diable excerpt Samuel Ramey, bass; Munich Radio Orchestra; Jacques Delacôte, cond. EMI Classics 49582


Born on the Fourth of July?

Henri Vieuxtemps (1820-1881) Souvenirs d'Amerique Tchaikovsky Chamber Orchestra; Lazar Gosman, cond. CBS/Sony 45529 George M. Cohan (1878-1942) George M! Overture New York City Opera Orchestra; Paul Gemignani, cond. MusicMaster 67099


Plucky music with Landowska and Harbach

J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Little Prelude in C, S. 934 Wanda Landowska, harpsichord Pearl 9489 Barbara Harbach (b. 1946) Cante Flamenco, from Tres Danzas para Clavecin Barbara Harbach, harpsichord Gasparo 290


Sibelius and "Finlandia"

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Finlandia, Op. 26, no. 7 Finnish National Opera Chorus; Eri Klas, cond. Ondine 754


Brahms and Berg on busman holidays?

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Symphony No. 2 Concertgebouw Orchestra; Bernard Haitink, cond. Philips 442 068 Johannes Brahms Violin Concerto in D David Oistrakh, vn; ORTF Orchestra; Otto Klemperer, cond. EMI Classics 64632 Alban Berg (1885-1935) Violin Concerto Henryk Szeryng, vn; Bavarian Radio Symphony; Rafael Kubelik, cond. Deutsche Grammophon 431 740


Anton Arensky

Anton Arensky (1861 – 1906) Piano Trio No. 1 Rembrandt Trio Dorian 90146


A modern Monteverdi premiere

Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643) L'incoronazione di Poppea soloists; Vienna Concentus Music Vienna; Nikolaus Harnoncourt, cond. Teldec 42547


About Composers Datebook®

Host John Birge presents a daily snapshot of composers past and present, with timely information, intriguing musical events and appropriate, accessible music related to each.

He has been hosting, producing and performing classical music for more than 25 years. Since 1997, he has been hosting on Minnesota Public Radio's Classical Music Service. He played French horn for the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestra and performed with them on their centennial tour of Europe in 1995. He was trained at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Eastman School of Music and Interlochen Arts Academy.