Music with Minnesotans

Erik Pratt MwM

With a Norske Eye (and Ear)

With a Norske Eye (and Ear)

Ask Erik Pratt about renewable energy and prepare yourself for a passionate response. Ask him about ballroom dancing, choral music or Edvard Grieg and you'll get the same: passion, passion, passion. He's a passionate guy, Erik Pratt. His playlist is an invitation to see the heart of Norway.

Tattoo? You, Too?

Tattoo? You, Too?

Emilie Robinson is a local tattoo artist with a French-inspired playlist. She grew up in France and in Ireland, where centuries of history were never far away from school and work. Emilie's playlist transcends time and distance.

The Color of a Scientist's Dreams

The Color of a Scientist's Dreams

Taylor Passofaro is the scientist he always dreamed he'd be when he was a kid. He's 23. He sees beauty everywhere, as his playlist attests.

Of Clarinets and Catapults

Of Clarinets and Catapults

He blows things up. She calms things down. Bill Gurstelle and Karen Hansen share a couple's playlist on this week's Music with Minnesotans.

For a public defender, it's always a work in progress

For a public defender, it's always a work in progress

Jennifer Workman Jesness is a public defender. It is a bit ironic that one of her favorite pieces of music is the 'March to the Scaffold' from the Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique. Jennifer will cross-examine the reasons for that piece and share the rest of her personal playlist on this week's Music with Minnesotans.

Looking at Everyday Beauty

Looking at Everyday Beauty

Camille Verzal is writer, a blogger, a traveler, a communications consultant, a runner,and a photographer. She like to push herself physically, but always comes home to music that is serene and comforting.

Smartypants with a Romantic Heart

Smartypants with a Romantic Heart

It's not that James Lileks sees different things than you or me, he just sees them differently. Lileks is Steve Staruch's guest on Music with Minnesotans

Up with the Lights: An Artist in New York

Up with the Lights: An Artist in New York

Susan Wagner is a painter. She learned about the craft of painting from the New York City filmmakers she knew and worked with. Susan shares some of her favorite classical music with Steve Staruch.

Doctor, Doctor, Detective, Detective

Doctor, Doctor, Detective, Detective

Carl Lundstrom is a specialist in Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic. A cancer survivor, Carl has a special place on his playlist for choral music. Carl is Steve Staruch's guest on this week's Music with Minnesotans.

For the love of sax and singing!

For the love of sax and singing!

Ben and Maria Hanson of Rochester, Minn., share stories and a sax-centric playlist on Music with Minnesotans. You'll be fascinated by their recollections about how music kept them focused during Ben's deployment to Iraq a few years ago.
