Regional Spotlight™

Chatterton Radovanliji Duo

Regional Spotlight: The Chatterton Radovanlija Duo

Regional Spotlight: The Chatterton Radovanlija Duo

Flutist Linda Chatterton and guitarist Maya Radovanlija are kindred spirits. Steve Staruch welcomes them in the studio to chat about the music they have commissioned, and to share a few of the works that they will perform next month.

Regional Spotlight: Lakes Area Music Festival turns 10

Regional Spotlight: Lakes Area Music Festival turns 10

Scott Lykins and John Taylor Ward are the founders and co-directors of the Lakes Area Music Festival. The festival began 10 years ago as a way for the two of them to keep making music while waiting on tables. The Lakes Area Music Festival is now world-renowned. Lykins and Ward speak with Steve Staruch.

Regional Spotlight: Bach the trailblazer

Regional Spotlight: Bach the trailblazer

From a recent Frederic Chopin Society recital, Finnish pianist Juho Pohjonen imbues the Bach 'Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D minor' with a singer's sense of breath and an architect's sense of order and definition.

Regional Spotlight: The Pop-Up Choir

Regional Spotlight: The Pop-Up Choir

One of the newest ensembles in the Land of 10,000 Choirs is the Pop-Up Choir. From a performance given in February, the Pop-up Choir, with guest director and composer Paul Mealor, performs "As I Walk the Silent Earth," by Thomas LaVoy.

Regional Spotlight: The beauty of night

Regional Spotlight: The beauty of night

With simplicity and grace, Schubert captures in sound the beauty of the night sky and the coming of summer. The men of the Mirandola Ensemble sing the the classic "Die Nacht."

Regional Spotlight: Imogen Cooper

Regional Spotlight: Imogen Cooper

Imogen Copper's Frederic Chopin Society recital in March included a segue that brought the contemporary face-to-face with the 19th century. Julian Anderson's 'She Hears' was followed by Franz Liszt's 'Bagatelle Without Tonality.' The effect was astounding.

Regional Spotlight: Baritone Lucas Meachem

Regional Spotlight: Baritone Lucas Meachem

Grammy-winning baritone Lucas Meachem sings the demanding role of the monk Athanael in the Minnesota Opera production of Massenet's 'Thais.' He spoke with Steve Staruch about the preparation that goes into learning and acting the role.

Regional Spotlight: St. John's Men's Choir

Regional Spotlight: St. John's Men's Choir

Performed in traditional men's glee club style, the St. John's University Men's Chorus, led by Axel Theimer, sings the English folksong "The Sally Gardens."

Listen to Handel's 'Messiah' on Easter Sunday with the SPCO
Regional Spotlight: Minnesota Renaissance Choir

Regional Spotlight: Minnesota Renaissance Choir

In the 'Land of 10,000 Choirs' the Minnesota Renaissance Choir is one of the newest. Only in its second season, the choir, led by Jonathan Campbell, sings with clarity and finesse. From a recent performance, the Minnesota Renaissance Choir sings 'Gaude Virgo Mater Christi,' by Josquin de Prez.

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