Poster Saturday Cinema
Saturday Cinema

Saturday Cinema

Exploring the best in film music, with host Lynne Warfel. Listen live at 10 a.m. central every Saturday on YourClassical Radio — now 2 hours! And be sure to follow us on Letterboxd!

Listener Requests for June

June Listener Requests

June Listener Requests

From you to me and back to you! This week’s episode of Saturday Cinema, with host Lynne Warfel, features great ideas from the Saturday Cinema audience, INCLUDING a ‘showdown’ between the Tex Ritter and Frankie Laine versions of “Do Not Forsake Me” from ‘High Noon.’ Listen now!

It's a Bird!  It's a Plane!
Happy Birthday, Judy!

Happy Birthday, Judy!

This week’s episode of Saturday Cinema, with host Lynne Warfel, is a celebration of Judy Garland on her 100th birthday. Listen now!

Foreign Films

Foreign Films

This week’s episode of Saturday Cinema, with host Lynne Warfel, features music from classic foreign films including ‘La Dolce Vida,’ ‘Amelie,’ ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ and more. Listen now!

Film-music tribute to Memorial Day

Film-music tribute to Memorial Day

On this episode of Saturday Cinema, host Lynne Warfel presents her annual Memorial Day show with film music in honor of those who sacrificed everything for their country. Listen to her 2023 Memorial Day show now, including music from ‘Saving Private Ryan,’ ‘Platoon,’ and ‘War Horse.’

Saturday Cinema:  Memorial Day

Saturday Cinema: Memorial Day

Lynne Warfel presents music from some of the great war films, such as ‘Patton’ and ‘Saving Private Ryan,’ and explores the history of Memorial Day and it's significance after the Civil War, including music from ‘Lincoln’ and ‘Gettysburg.’

Films of Ford and Wilder

Films of Ford and Wilder

Celebrating two seemingly different directors with music from “Stagecoach”, “The Informer”, “Lost Weekend” and ”Sunset Boulevard.

Saddle Up the Horses, Kid!

Saddle Up the Horses, Kid!

Music from some of the great, and lesser, known, horse films: Seabiscuit, Black Beauty, Hildago and a surprise ending.

Listeners request their favorite film music
Calling the shots:  Celebrating music from films of great directors

About Saturday Cinema

Exploring the best in film music, with host Lynne Warfel. Listen live at 10 a.m. central every Saturday on YourClassical Radio — now 2 hours! And be sure to follow us on Letterboxd!

YourClassical Radio