YourClassical Children

Listening Lesson: April Fools!

Listening Lesson: April Fools!

Many composers have captured the mischievous characters of practical jokers, clowns, and comedians through music. Answer questions about what you hear and compare and contrast music by Felix Mendelssohn, Grieg, Stravinsky and more. For Grades K-5.

Listening Lesson: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
What is LEGATO?

What is LEGATO?

Understand the concept of legato by dancing and moving to these smooth pieces! Great for all ages.

Listening Lesson: Dreams

Listening Lesson: Dreams

Use literacy skills to compare and contrast four pieces of music about dreams. For Grades K-5.

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What is MELODY?

What is MELODY?

Melody use pitches that can go high or low and make shapes. Learn about melody by distinguishing it from beat and rhythm! Explore melodic contour by vocalizing and drawing your own melodic shapes! For Grades K-5.

Listening Lesson: Exploring TIMBRE!

Listening Lesson: Exploring TIMBRE!

Think about and reflect on how sound is generated and created. Listen to music that incorporates the charango and the zampoña. For Grades 3-6.

Dance Party: Music Through The Ages

Dance Party: Music Through The Ages

Music is a great tool to help control movement and help develop self-regulation skills. Get your wiggles out with music from different periods of time and all over the world. Great for all ages.

Listening Lesson: Outer Space

Listening Lesson: Outer Space

Composer George Gershwin wrote a piece called Walking the Dog. Internalize steady beat by walking along to this musical promenade. For Grades K-5.

Listening Lesson: "Short Ride in a Fast Machine"
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