
Pentatonix - Run to You

Pentatonix, the wildly popular a capella group, perform their original song ‘Run to You’ at the Crawford Family Forum in Pasadena, during their interview with Classical MPR's Brian Newhouse and Tesfa Wondemagegnehu.

Mozart's 'Magic Flute': an animated plot summary

‘The Magic Flute’ is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's final opera, and it contains one of the most well-known arias in music. Learn what it’s all about in this animated plot summary from YourClassical Minnesota Public Radio!

Sonic Architecture: State Capitol

Classical Minnesota Public Radio's artists in residence, Cantus, performs “Let Your Voice Be Heard” in the rotunda of the Minnesota state capitol as part of a series of recordings exploring the sonic properties of historic locations around Minnesota.

Sonic Architecture: Sky Pesher

Classical Minnesota Public Radio's artists in residence, Cantus, performs improvised music in James Turrell's Sky Pesher at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis as part of a series of recordings exploring the sonic properties of historic locations around Minnesota.

Sonic Architecture: MPR Stairwell

Classical Minnesota Public Radio's artists in residence, Cantus, performs in a stairwell at Minnesota Public Radio studios as part of a series of recordings exploring the sonic properties of historic locations around Minnesota.

Sonic Architecture: Lake Street Bridge

Classical Minnesota Public Radio's artists in residence, Cantus, performs under the Lake Street bridge between Lake of the Isles and Bde Mka Ska as part of a series of recordings exploring the sonic properties of historic locations around Minnesota.

Sonic Architecture: Wabasha Street Caves

Classical Minnesota Public Radio’s artists in residence, Cantus, performs mountain songs and improvised music in the Wabasha Street Caves as part of a series of recordings exploring the sonic properties of historic locations around Minnesota.

YourClassical Radio