Poster Fred Child
Fred Child

Performance Today®

with host Fred Child

All Episodes

In-studio with Imogen Cooper

In-studio with Imogen Cooper

It's a rare treat to have British pianist Imogen Cooper in the Performance Today studio this Friday. She's world-renowned as a Franz Schubert expert, but this time Cooper joins host Fred Child to talk about one of Schubert's heros: Ludwig van Beethoven. Tune in to Friday's PT to hear Cooper play Beethoven and to spend a delightful half hour with a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

The Sound of the American West

The Sound of the American West

Composer Aaron Copland was a city slicker from Brooklyn, New York. And yet he instinctively knew how to capture the sound of the great open spaces of the American West. Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony play highlights from Copland's cowboy ballet, Billy the Kid, in a special gala concert in honor of the orchestra's 100th anniversary.

Daniil Trifonov

Daniil Trifonov

There are those who can point to one moment in their lives and say, "That was it. That was when everything changed forever." It's likely pianist Daniil Trifonov would point to June 30, 2011, as the day he knew things would never be the same. That was the day he won the International Tchaikovsky Competition, and went from being an unknown 20-year-old music student to being a star. Trifonov plays Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto in today's show.

The Parker Quartet

The Parker Quartet

Here at PT, we get to say "we knew them when." Two years ago, the members of the Parker Quartet were PT Artists in Residence. And they've gone on to do great things since then. They're getting rave reviews. They won a Grammy award last year. And their playing has only gotten better and better. The Parker Quartet joins host Fred Child for music and conversation, today and tomorrow in the PT studio.

In studio with the Parker Quartet

In studio with the Parker Quartet

Two years ago, the Parker Quartet was just out of school, just learning the ropes of their professional careers and just named PT's first Young Artists in Residence. Since then, they've earned praise for their concerts all over the world and won a Grammy Award. Recently they joined Fred Child in the studio for a little reunion of music and conversation.



Nostalgia is a sweet but dangerous thing. Too much sugar and it loses its authenticity. Too much vinegar and it's more painful than satisfying. When he was past 50, Zoltan Kodaly resurrected a favorite childhood memory, hearing the local Gypsy musicians in his home town of Galanta. He came up with just the right blend of sugar and spice, of energy and reflection, in his Dances of Galanta. We'll hear it, from a concert in Paris.

The Four Seasons

The Four Seasons

Last month, we aired "Summer," from Vivaldi's "Four Seasons," in a wildly inventive new interpretation by violinist Pekka Kuusisto and the Irish Chamber Orchestra. Bows digging into strings, foot stomping, over-the-top energy, even a little singing from the orchestra. Listeners loved it and demanded more. Today, in honor of St. Patrick's Day, we'll hear all four of the seasons, from that same concert by Kuusisto and the band from Ireland.



There's a word in the Finnish language called "sisu." It's hard to translate, but it means a sort of grim determination, having the strength to face adversity head-on without giving up. People who know the Finnish culture say that one word, sisu, pretty much sums it all up. In today's show, music by a Finn with a whole lot of sisu, Jean Sibelius. We'll hear his dark, brooding tone poem Tapiola, about the mysterious forests in the far north of Finland.



Nostalgia is a sweet but dangerous thing. Too much sugar and it loses its authenticity. Too much vinegar and it's more painful than satisfying. When he was past 50, Zoltan Kodaly resurrected a favorite childhood memory, hearing the local Gypsy musicians in his home town of Galanta. He came up with just the right blend of sugar and spice, of energy and reflection, in his Dances of Galanta. We'll hear it, from a concert in Paris.

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