Performance Today Features

Interview with guitarist An Tran

New album features Vietnamese classical guitar music

New album features Vietnamese classical guitar music

Guitarist An Tran has a treasured photograph. In it, he is a young child and his parents are lifting him high overhead at their home in Vietnam. He remembers that at that moment his parents were singing what he describes as "the most beautiful melody ever:" a Vietnamese folk song translated as "Stay, My Beloved." It was a grounding moment in Tran's childhood and the song is the backbone of his new album, "Stay, My Beloved."

Joanne Polk celebrates an underestimated composer

Joanne Polk celebrates an underestimated composer

Louise Farrenc was not only a remarkable pianist and imaginative composer. She also bulldozed through the limited ideas of women's artistic value and professional potential in the 19th Century. Pianist Joanne Polk brings light to Farrenc's legacy.

Young Artist in Residence: Geneva Lewis

Young Artist in Residence: Geneva Lewis

Violinist Geneva Lewis is Performance Today's current Young Artist in Residence. Geneva recently joined Fred Child for conversation and music at our studio in Saint Paul, Minnesota. You can hear it all here!

2020 Classical Woman of the Year: Valerie Coleman

2020 Classical Woman of the Year: Valerie Coleman

Performance Today celebrates Women's History Month by honoring the women who have made a lasting impact on classical music and those who love music. The 2020 Classical Woman of the Year is composer and performer Valerie Coleman.

Performance Today's Classical Critters

Performance Today's Classical Critters

Performance Today's Classical Critters is a 60-minute classical music romp about and inspired by animals. Host Fred Child and kids tell stories, spark creativity, share ideas and listen to music together. You'll want to have some paper and crayons or markers on hand and a little bit of space to move!

Young Artist in Residence: Max Opferkuch

Young Artist in Residence: Max Opferkuch

Clarinetist Max Opferkuch is Performance Today's current Young Artist in Residence. Max recently joined Fred Child for conversation and music at our studio in Saint Paul. You can hear it all here!

Young Artist in Residence: Aleksandra Kasman

Young Artist in Residence: Aleksandra Kasman

Pianist Aleksandra Kasman is Performance Today's current Young Artist in Residence. Kasman recently joined Fred Child for conversation and music at our studio in Saint Paul. You can hear it all here!

Young Artist in Residence: Jordan Bak

Young Artist in Residence: Jordan Bak

Violist Jordan Bak is Performance Today's current Young Artist in Residence. Jordan recently joined Fred Child for conversation and music at our studio in Saint Paul. You can hear it all here!

Introducing Jivan Ramesh
The soccer super fan who was also a famous composer

The soccer super fan who was also a famous composer

Writing music can be a tough job, especially when your opinions run counter to the government, you are under constant surveillance and threat of punishment. Composer Dmitri Shostakovich found one thing, across the span of decades, that took him away from that stress and brought him enjoyment: soccer. Musicologist Dmitri Braginsky has written a new book about Shostakovich's obsession with "the beautiful game."

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