Poster Saturday Cinema
Saturday Cinema

Saturday Cinema

Exploring the best in film music, with host Lynne Warfel. Listen live at 10 a.m. central every Saturday on YourClassical Radio — now 2 hours! And be sure to follow us on Letterboxd!

Saturday Cinema - Best Director Oscars

Saturday Cinema - Best Director Oscars

Saturday Cinema - Best Director Oscars

A look at the leading Oscar winners in the category of Best Director. Music from the films of John Ford, Steven Spielberg and William Wyler.

Saturday Cinema: Movie Valentines

Saturday Cinema: Movie Valentines

Celebrate Valentine's Day with some of the best scores from Hollywood romances. Rom coms, dramas, tear-jerkers from "Now, Voyager" to "When Harry Met Sally".

Saturday Cinema: Oscar history - Best Actors and Best Actresses
Saturday Cinema:  The Ebenezer Edition

Saturday Cinema: The Ebenezer Edition

Saturday Cinema: The Ebenezer Edition explores some of the great film interpretations of Dickens' classic tale. From Reginald Owen's 1938 feature through Alastair Sim to Albert Finney's musical Scrooge to The Muppets, enjoy your favorite telling of the tale.

Saturday Cinema: Christmas Family Faves
Saturday Cinema:  "It's A Wonderful Life" and Friends
Saturday Cinema:  Trains!

Saturday Cinema: Trains!

Trains can be romantic, dramatic or even sinister when they take a lead role in a murder or two. Films featuring trains.

Saturday Cinema:  All in the Families
Saturday Cinema:  Veterans' Day 2019
Saturday Cinema:  The Newmans

Saturday Cinema: The Newmans

A look at the Newman Family movie music dynasty. Alfred, Lionel, Emil, Randy, David, Thomas and Maria.


About Saturday Cinema

Exploring the best in film music, with host Lynne Warfel. Listen live at 10 a.m. central every Saturday on YourClassical Radio — now 2 hours! And be sure to follow us on Letterboxd!

YourClassical Radio