Poster Saturday Cinema
Saturday Cinema

Saturday Cinema

Exploring the best in film music, with host Lynne Warfel. Listen live at 10 a.m. central every Saturday on YourClassical Radio — now 2 hours! And be sure to follow us on Letterboxd!

Flicks in Five: The Piano

Flicks in Five: The Piano

Flicks in Five: The Piano

A trailblazer in the field of filmmaking, Jane Campion's award winning short film The Piano is highlighted by smooth harmonies and the majestic flow of piano notes in this score written by Michael Nyman.

Flicks in Five: The Music of Maurice Jarre

Flicks in Five: The Music of Maurice Jarre

Inspired by the boisterous percussion section, Maurice Jarre directs the BBC Concert Orchestra in featuring these prominent instruments in his score of Lawrence of Arabia.

Flicks in Five: Jaws
Flicks in Five: Elmer Bernstein

Flicks in Five: Elmer Bernstein

Elmer Bernstein, the versatile, Oscar-winning composer who scored such movie classics as The Ten Commandments, The Magnificent Seven, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Escape and True Grit, is the focus of this week's Flicks in Five.

Flicks in Five: Ennio Morricone's score for 'The Mission'
Flicks in Five: Yankee Doodle Dandy

Flicks in Five: Yankee Doodle Dandy

As the Fourth of July approaches, Flicks in Five features one of James Cagney's most enduring roles, and one of his favorites: 'Yankee Doddle Dandy'.

Flicks in Five: Max Steiner

Flicks in Five: Max Steiner

On this week's Flicks in Five, Lynne Warfel shares music from the great film composer Max Steiner.

Flicks in Five: To Kill a Mockingbird
Flicks in Five: Beauty and the Beast
Flicks in Five: JFK

Flicks in Five: JFK

On this week's Flicks in Five, Lynne Warfel shares music from John Williams' dark, often overlooked score, for the 1991 conspiracy-thriller, 'JFK'.


About Saturday Cinema

Exploring the best in film music, with host Lynne Warfel. Listen live at 10 a.m. central every Saturday on YourClassical Radio — now 2 hours! And be sure to follow us on Letterboxd!

YourClassical Radio