
Sunrise on Lake Superior: Aboard the Paul R. Tregurtha

Check out the sunrise on Lake Superior from the bow of the Paul R. Tregurtha, the biggest ship on the Great Lakes at 1,013.5 feet, set to Mussorgsky’s ‘Dawn on the Moscow River.’ Thanks to the Interlake Steamship Company for allowing Classical MPR to travel along!

Sharing the Power of Classical Music: Impulse at Goodwill

Choral music is powerful. It can make us feel better and live bigger. We at Classical MPR want to share this power with people in the community, in places where they least expect it but where they could benefit from a little “feel better, live bigger.”

PT Originals: Tessa Lark at Moab

Warm up with a memory from the Moab Music Festival. We were lucky enough to go on a hike with the violinist Tessa Lark. Here’s a look back to a different season, with music that Tessa played just for us!

Hundreds sing 'We Shall Overcome' at Bring the Sing

Hundreds of singers joined voices at Classical Minnesota Public Radio's Bring the Sing event in a powerful performance of 'We Shall Overcome,' arranged and conducted by Tesfa Wondemagegnehu.

Castner/Zupanc: 'I Sing to Speak' - Giving Voice Chorus

Giving Voice Chorus performs ‘I Sing to Speak’ at the Ordway Center in St. Paul. The 170 singers, comprised of people living with Alzheimer's and their care partners, celebrate the power of love and music in 'Love Never Forgets,' by Louisa Castner and Victor Zupanc.