
‘A Dog of Mars’

Transported mysteriously to Mars, our hero John Carter meets a weird ten-legged companion. But is this strange creature a friend or foe? Find out in ‘A Dog of Mars,’ the latest episode of YourClassical Storytime — with storytelling by Randy Salas, illustrations by E.J. Thompson and music by Gustav Holst.


‘The Wind and the Sun’

What if the wind and the sun had a friendly competition to see which one was the strongest? That’s exactly what happens in ‘The Wind and the Sun,’ the latest episode of YourClassical Storytime – with storytelling by Julie Amacher, illustrations by Nancy Carlson and music by Ludwig van Beethoven.


Violinist Daniel Hope 'dances' through his latest album

On his latest album, violinist Daniel Hope explores dance music spanning seven centuries and various genres. Listen to — and watch — his interview with host Julie Amacher on the latest episode of ‘New Classical Tracks’!


Minnesota Orchestra x Nur-D: The Origin Story

Nur-D has become one of the fastest risers in hip-hop in the Midwest. He has performed on the same stages as some of hip-hop’s biggest acts with a genuine, infectious energy and a passion for giving audiences an unforgettably fun time. We spoke to Nur-D about his love for hip-hop and classical music during his visit to Minnesota Public Radio’s headquarters.

Nur-D: Favorite Anime Original Soundtrack

Nur-D has become one of the fastest risers in hip-hop in the Midwest. He has performed on the same stages as some of hip-hop’s biggest acts with a genuine, infectious energy and a passion for giving audiences an unforgettably fun time. We spoke to Nur-D about his love for hip-hop and classical music during his visit to Minnesota Public Radio’s headquarters.

Nur-D: Cartoons and Classical

Nur-D has become one of the fastest risers in hip-hop in the Midwest. He has performed on the same stages as some of hip-hop’s biggest acts with a genuine, infectious energy and a passion for giving audiences an unforgettably fun time. We spoke to Nur-D about his love for hip-hop and classical music during his visit to Minnesota Public Radio’s headquarters.

YourClassical Radio